viernes, 12 de mayo de 2023

Man of the North (part 2 of 3)

 (This story starts with "Man of the North (part 1 of 3)")

That afternoon I went to see my uncle. I was surrounded
right away; I was expecting that. They beat me up. One of my uncle's servants held my hands behind my back and another one started punching me in the gut and my face. A kick between my legs dropped me to my knees, where the beating continued. I couldn't tell the difference now between the kicks to my stomach and the ones to my testicles. And then I was unconscious.

When I woke up, I was hanging from a beam on the roof by my hands, bare chest, with only my leather trousers on. My uncle started the beating, three punches directly to my nose and mouth completely dizzying me out. He then continued with left and right punches to my abs. I don't know how long he was abusing me, but by the time he stopped I started spitting blood out of my mouth. He then came close to me, pulled my hair back and hit me in throat. I thought I was going to choke. He then kneed me in the balls, and that did it, I completely faded away.
I woke up again when he was cutting my trousers leaving just my kecks. Even after that, my uncle was the one who respected me the most. Yes, he plugged nails in my tights, and he punched me countless times in the balls, but he never left me completely naked. That was my mother.
My uncle completely bashed me. He cut my cheeks, he punched me in the kidneys, he slammed a thick wooden stick between my legs, up to my nuts and he pierced my tongue with hot iron. But he never broke me. After hours of torture he got tired and left; and I passed out.
The next morning it was my mother's turn to try to make me talk. The sun was not out yet. She woke me up with a bucket of freezing water in my face. She didn't throw the water herself of course, she made a slave do it. After the shock I started putting myself together. I remembered where I was and why I could barely feel my body.
She took me down and had several slaves drag me to a chamber after putting a chain around my neck. She then threw me into a bath of warm water and gave me skyr, lamb and water. I was too weak to even eat by myself. The warm water helped me relax and in a minor sense, heal. I knew my mother was not helping me, so she had be preparing me for something else, I thought. The heartless bitch. 

After an hour of nice steam running into my lungs, the same slaves came into the bath and dragged me out into the torture room. I could smell the blood. They took the chain off my neck and dropped it in the ground in front of me; then they left.
My mother came in next. She walked around me, but didn't say a word. I could tell she was thinking what she would do to me, how she was going to enjoy my pain, the cunt. Then she took out a knife and put it in my throat. That didn't scare me at all, I knew she wouldn't kill me. She wouldn't have a funeral without her son's heart. Also, most likely I would make it to Valhalla this way; she wouldn't risk it for the world. She pushed the knife into my skin to cause me pain, but after a couple of seconds she moved it down my throat into my chest, and continued to go down passed my gut, and a little further down. She stopped where my kecks started, and she cut them off. Naked as the day I was born I feared the worst, but my worst was not even close to what my mother had prepared for me. Did I mention she was a heartless bitch?
She picked up the chain that was locked around my neck before. She grabbed my testicles with one hand and pulled them hard towards her. With the other hand she tried to lock my nuts with the chain, but the it was too big to work as a rope. So what she did was grab each testicle and pass it through one of the links, the middle one of the chain. Even one of my balls alone didn't fit through the link, she had to squeeze it and push it through, so when both my balls were trapped, the weight of the chain pulled them really hard down. Just the sudden weight of the chain when mother released it made me let out a squeal. She pulled some more herself to make sure it wouldn't slip off, I grunted to that. Then she turned around and left.
I was hanging there for one hour, with the chain pulling my nuts the whole time. When mother came back they were so sensitive that just touching them would make me scream like pig. But my mother was not planning on JUST touching them.
The first thing she did was grab my cock with one hand and squeeze it hard. She pulled it up, making my balls ache when they pull the chain up with them. With her other hand she wedged her long sharp nails on the tip of my penis. That fucking witch did not have mercy on me. She fixed her eyes on me to watch my reaction; she was delighted to se me writhe with pain. When she finally let go of my cock, she went straight for my balls. First she tapped them from below, making the chain jump up and down giving my nuts a sharp pull every time. I started crying in pain. She laughed. After a dozen taps she stopped just to make it even more painful for me. She grabbed the chain and pulled my manhood away from my body. I screamed and screamed, but I never begged her to stop. I could see the pleasure in her eyes as my face turned red and my eyes showed the worst fear of my life.
My balls were being squeezed against each other trapped by the link, trying to get free. Suddenly both testicles were squeezed into each other and unbelievably passed through the link. My head could not register so much pain as my eyes bulged out of my head. My whole body collapsed and I hung there  by my wrists, unconscious.

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

Man of the North (part 1 of 3)


You have to have balls to refer to your mom as a fucking bitch. But that's what she was. That whore not only betrayed my father and had him killed, she was also fucking the slaves that served him and married my uncle after asking for my death.

If calling your mother a whore is not enough, you must know I killed her. It was five years ago, at the same time that I reclaimed my father's realm. But I didn't leave unscathed. It took everything I had to accomplish this deed. I fought my cousin, I fought my uncle and I fought my mother; all of them took a piece of me. But I killed them all.

I battled my cousin in open field. We met behind the hill, alone. I didn't think the bastard
had the balls to fight me by himself. I respect him for that. I was waiting for him when he arrived. I really thought someone would be hiding in the woods to surprise me while we were battling, but the stupid bastard thought he was enough.

I approached him, and he looked a bit bigger now that I was close. I was once his size, I knew that, but that was years ago. He looked like a pup beside me. He was very strong, and tall, I won't lie, but he lacked big muscles, labor, women, and most importantly, battles.
"You can yield" said I. "I don't want to kill you cousin, but I won't hesitate". I knew my words were as offensive as the worst insult, but it didn't feel right not to say them. His answer was a holler and an attack. He swung his blade at me and I blocked it with my shield. I was surprise by his strength, nowhere near as weak as I thought. Maybe that's were his confidence was. I could see how he would've been a great warrior had he lived longer. Had he chosen not to fight me that day.
I blocked two more blows and counter attacked swinging my sword at him, almost letting him block them. I could see the fear it cause him to feel my force. This was not a training fight. One mistake meant death. For him but also for me. One thing I learned over the years was to never look down at the man fighting you. Arrogance brings defeat.
He charged at me again. His dance was elegant, but predictable.
"I will finish you. There won't be any of your remains left to burn", said he.
"Only the god of thunder knows who will come out victorious today!" I answered. Our blades clashed and were locked, both of us pushing at each other. I brought my foot to his stomach and sent him flying on his back. He got even more angry. I got near to finish the combat, but he managed to kick me in the testicles.

He kicked me very hard. I was surprised not only because of the pain, but also my guard was down for a few seconds. I was lucky that he was slow to react; he could've killed me right there. I stood up, swallowing the pain and the humiliation, and charged again. This time I was determined to end it. And I did.
While I was bent from the kick to my nads he got near me, so I attacked with quick blows, he barely block them and counterattacked with some strikes of his own. I blocked them all and got frustrated. He grabbed his sword with two hands and raised it swinging down willing to cut me in half. I used my shield to stop his blow, but I was also ready with my sword aiming at his neck. My position didn't allow me to strike hard enough to cut his head clean, but my blade sunk half it's width into my cousin's flesh, between his shoulder and his neck. A fountain of blood started pouring down his body. He fell to his knees and then on his back with a hand on his wound.
I went to his encounter.
"May the gods receive you in Valhalla," said I, before collapsing on the ground, exhausted.

Later I cut hit heart and hid it. I needed that so that my uncle wouldn't kill me. I took my cousin's body and left it near the farm for someone to find him. They did, because I heard the screams not long after.

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2022

La noche que Juno me rompió las pelotas

En teoría debería estar excitado. Incluso se sentía muy bien lo que me estaba haciendo Juno. Si no fuera porque comenzaba a sentir el ardor causado por el gel antiinflamatorio en mis partes nobles. Solo de ver cuánto gel se puso en la mano antes de meterla dentro de mis pantalones y empezar a sobar me puse nervioso.

Y ahora comenzaba la tortura, con un incendio en mis huevos y mi verga. Todo mi paquete ardía. Se sentía peor en la verga que en los huevos, o el escroto más bien dicho. Me había agarrado completamente todo, no había dejado ni un espacio sin gel. Pero eso no me preocupaba, solo era dolor superficial. Incómodo. Humillante. Lo peor vendría después. Y comenzó con un rodillazo.

No podía moverme. No podía caer al piso. Estaba amarrado, sin camisa, solo con los pantalones que usaba en los partidos amistosos. Obviamente me había quitado la concha antes de comenzar. Su comentario sobre mi paquete grande y gordo no me hizo más que entender que estaba disfrutando mi pánico, no era ningún halago.

“Incluso sin concha te ves muy bien dotado, Freddy. Esta parte siempre fue la que más me gustó de ti.” Hacia mucho que no me llamaba Freddy. Alfredo era como me decía cuando estábamos juntos; Freddy me decían mis amigos y ella nunca quería llamarme como lo hacían mis amigos. Creo que por fin dejó claro que ya se había acabado todo, y no pensaba irse sin vengarse de mí.
Ahora ya comenzaba a quemar todo mi sexo. El rodillazo me había dejado débil, hacía mucho que no me pegaban tan fuerte en los huevos. Esperó a que me recuperara un poco para luego agarrar mi paquete completo y apretarlo sin piedad. No podía dejar de pensar lo bien que me conocía: sabía cómo agarrarme para que ni la verga ni los huevos se soltaran de su mano. Cuando el dolor me resultó muy intenso comencé a gemir y ella sonrió.

"Dime que te duele", me ordenó. Yo no dije nada. "Anda, dime que te duele mucho", dijo mientras apretaba aún más. Yo tenía los ojos cerrados y apretaba los dientes para soportar el dolor. Sabía que su cara estaba justo frente a la mía, pero no me atrevía a abrir los ojos.

Comenzó a torcer mi paquete y a jalarlo hacía la izquierda y la derecha y yo comencé a gritar. Su cara de placer me provocaba pavor. Lo estaba disfrutando de una manera que yo no entendía. "¡Dime que te duele!", repitió.

Cuando sentí que iba a arrancar mi paquete de mi cuerpo no tuve otro remedio que obedecer. "¡Duele! ¡duele! Basta por favor". Me soltó. Parece que es lo único que necesitaba para dejar de apretar. Tal vez si hacía lo que me decía cada vez no me torturaría tanto. (Qué ingenuo, lo sé).

Apenas dejó de apretar y comencé a respirar rapidamente aliviado pero sintiendo todavía mucho dolor en mis huevos. Y lo peor era que el antiinflamatorio seguía ardiendo en mi piel.

Cuando pude relajarme un poco, vi que Juno se había ido y ahora regresaba con un bat de baseball en la mano. Mi escroto se encogió tratando de esconder mis testículos dentro de mi cuerpo, pero el calor que provocaba la crema que me había untado ahi no dejó que eso se quedara así por mucho tiempo.

Juno se acercó con el bat en la mano y agarró una pelota. "¿Sabías que una pelota de baseball puede llegar a comprimirse a la mitad de su tamaño cuando es golpeada por un bat durante un picheo? ¿Con cuánta fuerza crees que necesito golpear tus bolas para que se compriman a la mitad? Voy a empezar con media fuerza".

Lanzó hacia atrás el bat, pero no abanicó como si fuera a conectar una pelota pichada, sino como si fuera un bastón de golf, bajando el bat casi hasta el suelo y curveándolo hacia arriba entre mis piernas. El golpe me hizo olvidar absolutamente todo lo que estaba pasando que no fuera eso. Quise cubrirme por completo doblando mi cuerpo hacia adelante pero mis muñecas y mis tobillos estaban muy bien amarrados a la reja detrás de mí. Grité con todas mis fuerzas, pero esta vez Juno no tuvo compasión de mí y volvió a abanicar el bat contra mis huevos. El dolor más intenso que he sentido en mi vida se hizo presente en ese momento y quise desmayarme, pero eso no sucedió. Mis piernas temblaban tratando de juntarse sin éxito. Juno se acercó a mí, yo miraba hacia el piso, me tomó con ambas manos los pezones y comenzó a apretarlos. El dolor era intenso pero solo lograba acumular más tormento a lo que ya estaba sufriendo. Mis huevos, mi verga y mis pezones dolían como nunca me habían dolido. Mi mente no perdía noción de cuánto dolía cada parte. Me apretó unos momentos más los pezones, luego los soltó y volvió a tomar el bat. Otra vez me preguntó: "¿sentiste que se comprimieron a la mitad? ¿o debo golpear más fuerte?" Sin esperar respuesta volvió a abanicar el bat hasta que se detuvo con un golpe seco en mis huevos. Mi grito de dolor fue aun más fuerte. Lágrimas se formaron en mis ojos. No me gusta llorar frente a nadie, pero el dolor que sentía era nuevo para mí. Me habían pegado varias veces en los huevos jugando beisbol: pelotazos normalmente, aunque una vez me dieron un batazo de manera accidental. Siempre duele, incluso con la concha puesta, los golpes a los huevos duelen. Pero jamás me habían golpeado más de una vez seguida y menos sin la protección de la concha. Sentía que mis huevos iban a explotar, y luego un cuarto batazo me hizo pensar que habían explotado. Otra vez grité con todas mis fuerzas y supliqué que parara. "¡Basta!", grité, "¡basta!".

Juno sonrió al escucharme gritar. Al menos eso creo, porque no recuerdo haberle visto la cara por las lagrimas en mis ojos y porque los cerraba por el dolor, pero de alguna manera sabía que sonreía.

"Freddy, no sabes cuánto disfruto verte llorando", me dijo. "Y quisiera quedarme más tiempo para disfrutar tu vasectomía clandestina, pero me tengo que ir". No entendí lo que decía y por eso no contesté nada, pero me puse muy nervioso.

"Voy a dejar la maquina lanza pelotas encendida. Hay como unas 30 pelotas en la canasta. Creo que ya sabes a dónde apunta el cañon". Antes de que pudiera reaccionar y mientras movía mi cabeza de un lado al otro diciendo que que no, Juno ya me había metido un trapo en la boca y me ponía cinta gris para evitar que la escupiera. "Adios, rey", dijo Juno, y se fue después de encender la maquina. Vio el primer disparo que me golpeaba directo en las pelotas. Su reacción fue de sorpresa y risa al mismo tiempo. Dio media vuelta y me dejó ahi, recibiendo pelotazos cada 7 segundos exactamente. En mi mente rogué que alguien llegara al parque y se apiadara de mí, pero eso no sucedió. Recibí cada una de esas pelotas en mis testículos, a una velocidad de 90 millas por hora.

Nadie llegó hasta la mañana siguiente. Me encontraron amarrado e inconciente. La crema antiinflamatoria ya se había absorbido en mis pantalones, y una mancha oscura delineaba mi paquete.

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2021

Snow Balls (FanFic)

 This is a fanfiction prequel to the short story Snow in the Desert by Neal Asher. It's dated 6 months before the events of the short story.

“You’ll pay for this, Snow” said the man with spikes in his head; there was anger in his voice. Snow knew why. A hard fist slammed into his balls and pain exploded between his legs. He didn’t scream though, he swallowed it, along with his anger and frustration.

“She was a good girl” said Olion, slamming his fist even harder this time directly into Snow’s testicles. “And before I deliver you like a pig, you will regret what you did." A third full force fist  smashed Snow's already hurting balls. He would've shut his legs and fall to the floor had the magnetic mitts he was held with would've allowed it. The handcuffs, metallic fist mitts that restrained his hands completely, had a magnet and while activated they attached together to the steel beam above his head. His feet, on the contrary, were tied on each side of the frame leaving him no chance to cover his bulge to avoid the punches he was receiving. 

"You're lucky Irken needs you alive" said the man, and kicked him hard between the legs, and this time Snow let out a loud painful scream. “I knew it hurted you”.

Snow had no shirt on, but his pants, a pair of dark green military trousers were well buttoned. His big bulge was a nice target for anyone willing to hurt it. Olion was happy about this. He came close to Snow, looking face to face to the albino, and grabbed him by the neck. Snow could feel his breath hitting his face. Then he felt Olion’s hand reach between his legs searching for his manhood. He moved his hip from side to side trying to avoid the grip. Olion opened his hand grabbing as much of Snow's package as he could. He felt the balls and squeezed hard. The testicles left his grip, so he tried again, and again he squeezed, this time with both nuts firmly in his grip. Snow was in pain; his mind went numb. After who knows how long, Olion let go, just to grab Snow by the sides of his torso and lift his knee hard between his legs. Once. Twice. Then Snow lost consciousness. Olion gave him one more knee to the balls. Snow didn’t react. Olion got pissed and left the room.

When Snow came back to his senses he could feel the slobber drooling in front of him. He opened his eyes just to see Olion's awful face smiling at him.

“Welcome back”, he said. “Ready for round two?” and with that Snow received a kick in the balls. The pain woke him up completely. 

“Fuck you!” he shouted.

“Fuck me?” said Olion. “Not by you, I’m not”.

He came near Snow and grabbed again his chin with one hand. “Tell me, which nut do you find more sensitive… the left?” and he reached inside Snow’s pants against his effort to avoid it, and grabbed his left testicle squeezing it without mercy. He held to it for a few seconds and then let go. “… or the right?” and he proceed to give the same treatment to his right testicle.

“How about both?” Olion grabbed both testicles by the base of the penis and pulled down with violence. Snow was surprised his balls hadn’t popped.

“Aaaaaagggghhhhrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!” Snow’s pain was unbelievable. 

After what seemed forever, finally Olion let go. But not before delivering one more good knee between his legs.

Now Snow's pants were unbuttoned and his underwear visible. Soft but tight cotton boxers. Olion had an idea. He brought two batons, grabbed Snows bulged and put one baton under his cock and balls and one above, encasing the complete manhood of his victim. He grabbed both ends of the batons together with each hand and pulled towards him, making Snow hold his breath in pain. He then proceeded to knee the big bulge enclosed between the two metal bars. Snow’s face became a weird red and pink color, his veins completely visible. His pain could not be concealed.

He received at least eight more knees, crying harder and harder each time. Olion enjoyed every knee a little bit more. He felt he could rip the albino’s manhood right then and there. And he might have done so, had his boss not arrived at that exact moment.

What Irken saw when he entered the room was a man arched completely to the front, hands and feet trapped behind him, and being pulled by his sex towards his attacker. He saw Olion, the stupid bounty hunter that worked for him since years ago, holding some kind of weapons that trapped the dick and nuts of the abused victim.

When he realized it was actually Snow who was being tortured he thought he could kill Olion at the scene. The whole purpose of getting Snow was to sell his testicles to the best bidder. “Let him go, you moron!” he shouted.

Olion looked at him surprised but did not let go. “He killed my sister!” 

“I don’t care if he killed your sister, or your wife or your daughter. Let go immediately or I will kill YOU right this second!”
Olion did not understand, but his anger made him look down at Snow’s balls, give them one last good hard knee, before letting go. 

“Do you know how much money those orbs you were about to destroy are worth? He is the reason you have a fucking job, and if you mess up this reward I swear to you, you won’t be working for me; or anyone in the nearest system for that matter”.

“You said not to kill him. Why do you care about his balls?” said Olion with the stupid tone he always used when he was confused.

“Shut the fuck up. You don’t need to know that. You just need to know that his balls are worth 30 times what you make in a single year and I won’t let you fuck with my money. Now take him down”.

Olion turned off a switch and the half naked man fell to the floor face down. Olion proceeded to untie each of his feet. Walking between Snow's legs made him want to kick him under the ass.

Snow recovered fast. He came back to his senses and ignored the pain coming from between his legs. He was lucky Irken didn’t know he did not actually needed him alive. It would take him a few months to figure that out. 

He had to think fast. While Irken was distracted giving instructions to that idiot Olin, he thought of a plan. With luck he would get out of there without damage he couldn’t take care of by himself. That was one advantage of having regenerating abilities.

martes, 23 de marzo de 2021

Tortura Prolongada (Confesión de un luchador maniatado parte 2)

Segunda parte del relato anterior Confesión de un luchador maniatado


El primer golpe lo recibí en la cara. El segundo fue una patada entre las piernas. Después me dieron dos golpes con los puños en el estómago. Y luego otra patada entre las piernas.

Cuando estaba amarrado en la silla, hablando muy envalentonado sobre cómo soporto los golpes en mis partes nobles, olvidé que no solo me iban a pegar ahí. En la lucha libre está prohibido dar golpes con el puño cerrado lo que ayuda mucho a soportar una lucha extensa: solo tienes que tener buena condición fisica y saber actuar para hacer creer que te duelen las palmadas que te dan. Y claro, los golpes a los huevos también están prohibidos, pero por alguna razón esa regla no la cumplen muy seguido. Un golpe con el puño cerrado duele mucho, sobre todo cuando no te puedes defender, y esos golpes que me dieron mientras me tenían amarrado con las manos sobre mi cabeza, me desgastaron inmediatamente. Lo bueno, y lo malo, es que fueron los menos. Estaban decididos a humillar mi hombría. No tardaron en enfocarse solo en lastimarme los huevos para ver cómo gritaba.

Después de las patadas me dieron un rodillazo que me obligó a juntar las piernas. Lo hubiera logrado si no fuera por la barra que me habían colocado en los tobillos para evitar que cerrara las piernas. Claramente tenían la intención de torturar mis testículos y no querían batallar. Luego alguien se acercó a mí, y con su mano me agarró el paquete y comenzó a apretar. En un inútil esfuerzo por proteger mi sexo levanté las piernas y quedé suspendido por la cuerda que amarraba mis manos. Después me soltó y mis pies volvieron al suelo. Un puñetazo que impactó solo en el testículo derecho me hizo gritar de dolor. Empecé a respirar agitadamente. Cuando vi que preparaban otro golpe el instinto me hizo alejar mi cadera hacia atrás. Esto no les gustó en absoluto. Antes de que pudiera reaccionar, tenía puesta una venda en los ojos que me impedía ver lo que pasaba.

Soporté tres patadas más que llegaban de alguien frente a mí, y después de una pausa, recibí otras dos patadas pero estas venían de atrás. Esas me hicieron gritar de dolor; y después de otra breve pausa, recibí una tercer patada desde atrás tan fuerte que provocaron un grito que no creo haber emitido jamás. La punta del pié chocó perfectamente con la parte baja de mis dos testículos. Si alguien estaba frente a mí con toda seguridad vió mis dos bolas saltar hacia arriba y bajar rebotando dentro de mis lycras. El dolor era inexplicable.

Afortunadamente, después de esa patada tan violenta, me dejaron de golpear. Bajaron la cadena a la cual estaban amarradas mis manos y me dejaron caer el suelo. Aunque no podía juntar mis piernas, puse mis manos en mi paquete para tratar de aliviar un poco el dolor. Mis huevos estaban muy sensibles e hinchados; seguramente mi paquete había crecido y se veía mucho mas grande de lo normal.

Alguien me tomó de las manos, yo seguía con los ojos vendados por lo que no supe quién era. Las desamarraron y me levantaron dos personas sosteniéndome de los brazos. Me arrastraron hacia otra parte del cuarto y recostaron la parte superior de mi cuerpo en un tipo de mesa o superficie, dejando mis piernas perpendiculares con el piso, mis pies apollados, mis piernas abiertas. Mi estómago estaba en la orilla de la base. Mis brazos abiertos extendidos a ambos lados en forma de cruz fueron asegurados en ambas muñecas para inmovilizarme. En seguida recibí un duro golpe en la espalda que me hizo levantar la cabeza lanzándola hacia atrás. Sin perder tiempo, me tomaron del pelo y detuvieron mi cabeza en esa posición. La molestia me hizo lanzar un pequeño grito que fue aprovechado para meter una bola de hule en mi boca y fue ajustada detrás de mi nuca. Me soltaron y mi cara se fue directo contra la mesa. Estaba amordazado con un juguete sexual. Inmovilizado de pies y manos. Mis piernas abiertas y mi culo expuesto. No pude evitar pensar en esa escena de Pulp Fiction en el sótano de la casa de empeño. Un hilo de miedo se escurrió por mi espalda. El dolor no me asusta, pero no quiero que me violen; esa es mi peor pesadilla.

De pronto alguien pasa sus manos por mis muslos y las sube hasta agarrar mi paquete. Aprieta con fuerza mis huevos y reconozco algo con el dolor que siento: son manos de mujer. A través de los años de lucha he llegado a distinguir inmediatamente si es un hombre o una mujer quien me faulea. Las mujeres son más violentas, les importa menos tu sufrimiento. Los hombres pueden ser mas fuertes, pero no más sádicos. Hay de todo, como siempre, pero en general una mujer te va a aplastar los huevos hasta que llores de dolor. El hombre se conforma con verte sufrir.

Las manos femeninas rodearon mi paquete, lo aseguraron entre sus dedos y lo jalaron fuerte hacia abajo. Alguien más le ayudó con un cordón y amarraron mis partes por encima de mis lycras. Un bulto salía entre mis piernas. Un blanco para dos puños. Yo sentía la presión de tener mis huevos amarrados. De repente, golpes seguidos y continuos atacaron mis pelotas. En un inicio me sentí sorprendido. Después de unos segundos el dolor comenzó a ser insoportable. No sé cuantos puñetazos había recibido ya, podían ser 15, o 150. Comencé a gritar pero la pelota de hule ahogaba el sonido. Uno tras otro los golpes llegaban sin piedad. Creí que me iba a volver loco.

Después de no sé cuantos golpes por fin pararon. Por unos momentos no sentí nada más que el dolor en mis huevos que me hacían moverme como si me estuvieran electrocutando. De no haber estado atado me hubiera retorcido en el suelo. Tuve tiempo de descansar del dolor y por unos momentos estuve inmóvil, recostado sobre la mesa, respirando profundamente. Nadie me decía nada. Noté que la saliva se me escurría de la boca y comenzaba a acumularse en la mesa.

De repente noté que escuchaba ruidos. En la lejanía comencé a reconocer gritos de dolor. Eran gritos ahogados de alguna persona en alguna otra habitación. Lo primero que pensé es que estaban torturando a alguien más en ese lugar. Sentí un poco de pena por aquella persona que sufría, pero pensé que tal vez fuera esa la razón por la que me habían dejado de golpear a mí, y mi egoísmo surgió para sentir alivio que no era yo a quien seguían torturando... o bueno, no eran mis testículos los que eran el blanco del ataque.

Tratando de descifrar los gritos que escuchaba me di cuenta de algo, se repetían los mismos sonidos. Reconocí los gritos. Caí en cuenta que no estaban torturando a alguien más, era un video de lo que me estaban haciendo a mí. Habían estado grabando la tortura, no sé desde qué momento, pero lo que escuchaba eran mis propios gritos, mis propios gemidos. ¿Para qué querían esos videos? ¿Qué intención había? ¿Publicarlos?

Escuché pasos que se acercaban a mí. Eran tacones. La mujer que me había golpeado mis partes como bolsa de boxeo estaba de vuelta. Sentí unas uñas largas enterrarse en mi paquete; me dolió. No solo me dolían los testículos por la presión del agarre, sino también mi verga y escroto eran torturados con un dolor penetrante y agudo. Por fin soltó mi paquete pero inmediatamente lo tomó de nuevo. Lo jalaba hacia ella sin hacer presión. Abrió su mano de manera que la bola forrada de lycra, resultado de la cuerda que amarraba mis huevos y mi verga, quedaba soportada en su palma. Y luego explotó el dolor. Noté que era su rodilla la que me golpeaba ahora. Sostenía mi paquete con su mano, y luego lo aplastaba con rodillazos. Todo mi cuerpo era impulsado hacia adelante por la fuerza de los golpes. Otra vez comencé a llorar de dolor. Mis gritos ahogados iban aumentando de intensidad.

Después de muchos rodillazos soltó mi paquete solo para darle un puñetazo fortísimo de arriba hacia abajo que me hizo gritar como niña. Continuó con más puñetazos con su otra mano sosteniendo mi paquete. Luego lo soltó, y continuó con los golpes que lanzaban mi paquete amarrado y se estrellaba contra la mesa. Agarró mi paquete de nuevo y lo jaló hacia abajo con todas sus fuerzas. Por un momento pensé que iba a arrancar mi sexo de mi cuerpo.

Por último me dio un puntapie directo en los testículos, y perdí el sentido.


Desperté envuelto en colchas. Cuando por fin me libré de ellas vi que estaba en un callejón. No tenía idea del lugar. Tenía mis lycras puestas, pero estaban en muy mal estado; apenas cubrían mis partes. Había un celular a mi lado, no estaba bloqueado. Me dispuse a hacer una llamada y vi que tenía un mensaje sin leer. Al abrirlo solo venía una dirección de internet. Pulsé la liga y se abrió una ventana que comenzó a cargar información. La liga era para ver un video. Se abrió en la pantalla completa y comenzó cuando di click en el triangulo orientado a la derecha que estaba en el centro. Era yo. Ni siquiera me había dado cuenta que me grababan desde antes de vendarme los ojos. Escuché todo lo que les dije antes de que me torturaran. Luego hacía un corte y aparecía suspendido por la cadena con mis manos amarradas sobre mi cabeza, luego sobre a la mesa. Vi la violencia con la que me torturaron. Me dio un escalofrío y paré el video antes de que comenzara la parte donde perdía la conciencia. Quedaba todavía 10 minutos de video. No me atreví a verlo.No tenía idea de lo que me habían hecho al final, pero prefería dejarlo así.

Llamé a mi amigo para que me hiciera el favor de recogerme. Era el único teléfono que sabía de memoria. Le envié mi ubicación por mensaje; por fin sabía dónde estaba: en el centro de la ciudad, a un lado de un bar; era el bar de donde había salido antes de que me secuestraran. Esperé a que llegara mi amigo y me subí al coche. Cuando me senté en el asiento sentí que mis huevos estaban muy sensibles y adoloridos.

"Maneja con cuidado" le pedí. "Los baches y los topes me lastiman". Fue lo único que le dije y me quedé dormido otra vez en su asiento.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020

Confesión de un luchador maniatado

 Soy luchador. Lo que por de fault significa que mis huevos son el blanco de muchos ataques. Es la manera en que un enemigo te humilla; no solo porque es muy doloroso lo que te hacen, sino que atacan tu hombría, tu sexualidad, la manera en que seduces a una mujer, lo que le ofreces para satisfacerla, la manera en que te reproduces. Funciona de muchas maneras. Es como decirte me importas tan poco, que no me preocupa poner en riesgo tu integridad masculina; me importas tan poco que no me interesa si te dejo sin descendencia. Lastimar los testiculos conlleva mucho trasfondo.

¿Cuántas veces me han pegado en los huevos? Ya perdí la cuenta. ¿Mil? No exagero. Tengo 10 años luchando profesionalmente. A veces doy tres funciones por semana. Al menos me deshuevan una vez en cada lucha. Supongamos que no me faulean todas las funciones, pero después me pueden faulear 3 veces en una sola lucha. Sin temor a equivocarme, pueden ser 3,000 golpes a mis testiculos. Entre entrenamientos (sí, hay luchadores que incluso en los entrenamientos te dan un apretón de huevos, o una patada “accidental”), luchas semiprofesionales y las 1,300 luchas en las que he participado, mis partes nobles han recibido castigos que darían escalofríos a cualquier hombre.

¿Cuál ha sido el peor? Es difícil escoger. Patadas por detrás. Apretones sin piedad de 30 segundos. Estrellarme contra un poste sin meter ni las manos. Incluso rodillazos bien dados... ¿cuál dirías tú que fue el peor? Te puedo decir cuales me han dolido menos. Manotazos juguetones, patadas a las cuerdas cuando voy
entrando al ring, pisotones que molestan más de lo que duelen; esos no me importan. Pero cuando me dejan tirado sin poder- perdon, sin querer moverme, y me tengo que levantar para continuar la lucha con un intenso dolor entre las piernas... eso es lo peor.

Así que estar aquí amarrado en una silla, y que me amenaces con deshuevarme si no te pido perdón, solo me hace pensar en cómo mandarte a chingar a tu madre de la mejor manera.

domingo, 25 de octubre de 2020

Room of X

This is my first post in English and my first story based only on dialogue. I hope at least some of my readers can figure out what’s going on. Enjoy.

“Are you sure it’s my turn?”
“Check your balls, Scott! Are they swollen? No. Yes, it’s your turn”.
“Well... doesn’t seem like long ago since I was last tied by my wrists, that’s all”.
“That’s because it wasn’t. Doesn’t mean it’s not your turn”.
“Ok, ok... Damn it!"
“What? Now you don’t like it?”
“‘Course I do, I was just hoping to be the one to watch the show this time”.
“Not tonight, bub. And after last time you owe me”.
“What are you talking about? I didn’t do anything? Blame it on her”.
“You said ‘squeeze harder’, I heard you”.
“Well... did I put a gun in her head?”
“Fuck you. You’ll take it like a man tonight”.
“Damn it. Please, not too hard”.
“You’ll take whatever I give you. Period”.

“You’ll be wearing the blue speedos, and that’s it”.
“What?! I’ll be almost naked!”
“Is that a problem?”
“Well... what if I get hard?”
“Then I’ll say hi to Little Scottie’s smile”.
“That’s not cool”.
“I can make sure it’s hardcore enough for your tool to stay down”.
“No. Leave it. I’ll wear them”.

“Those are not speedos”.
“I know, but look: they’re tight enough, it’s lycra, still short, and my dick’ll stay home without a problem”.
“Fine! Now get over here, it’s already late”.

“Wow, Jimmy. That’s too tight. I can’t move at all”.
“That’s the fucking idea. Did you expect anything else when I said ‘on your back, spreadeagled’?”
“Ok. Just remember not to-“
“Do I have to gag you?”
“No, no, no... I hope not”.
“I’ll set your visor in black out”.
“But that will leave me blind”.
“Good, that way you won’t see it coming and most important you won’t blast my head when your nuts explode”.
“That sounds extre- OUFFF!!!”
“Just a nice punt to begin the night”.
“Mmmmppfff, that hurts, oww that hurts OOWWWW! Damn it, damn it!”
“One more kick to get them really sensitive, bub. Now the slow burn begins”.
“Ahh, easy, easy. Mmmmmoouuuufff you’re squeezing too hard”.
“Shut up. I’m not even half way trough”.
“Ow ow ow. Damn, Jimmy, my balls!”
“Aww your nuts hurt, Cyke? Should I let go? You know what comes next if I let go”.
“Well, after the ball squeeze always comes the punch, you knew that. And now three more, coming up”.
“Oh, no”.
“And... THREE!!”
“Oh, man, that must hurt bad. Maybe I punched too hard that last one”.
<<heavy breathing>> “Oh, that sucks. That was harder than any other time. Let me rest”.
“Sure! No problem. I’m going to untie you so we can get you to the next position. How bout on your knees, hands behind your back’?”
“Oh, no. Are you going to use the-“
“Golf club? Yes. And the bat. You know I like that scene in Kick-ass where they use the baseball bat”.
“Jesus, that’s two weapons James!”
“Ha! I knew you had forgotten. Well too bad for your boy parts”.
“Come on, I wanna have kids”.
“You HAVE kids, jackass. Don’t play that card, you’re being ridiculous”.
“I know, it’s just what everybody says. But I do want to have sex this week”.
“That won’t be a problem, Scotty. Thrust me”.
“Shit. Well, come on, untie me and tie me and let’s get it over with”.
“As you wish, bub.”

“Mmmpffff. Let me rest. That was really hard. I did not enjoy that”.
“What? You’re telling me you didn’t enjoy getting your nuts crushed with a bat?”
“You know what I mean”.
“I do. Scotty. Actually it took you ten full minutes to start talking again. I might have gone too far, actually. But don’t worry, next time it’ll be your turn to emasculate me”.
“I might enjoy that. I can barely stand, man. I don’t know if I can take the last part”.
“Me neither, but you will do it, bub”.
“It was more that twenty times with the bat, plus I don’t know how many nut shots with the golf club. Can’t we leave it until tomorrow?”
“If she comes and asks, she will find out, don’t be stupid”.
“Fuck! But my balls hurt”.
“Well have another fifteen minutes rest”.
“You used my balls like you were in a batting cage, Jimmy! Three days wouldn’t be enough! They are so sensitive”.
“Ok, that’s it. If I have to do it by force it won’t be a problem for me. You’re too weak, I could do it with one hand”.
“Gggrrrr dammit!”

“Ok. Last one Scotty. I have to admit you look hot tied with your hands up in the air and your legs spread”.
“I’ve been held like this before, but never for a ballbusting torture. And never willingly”.
“Ok, enough talk. I’ll start by squeezing your balls. Little by little I’ll apply more pressure until you cry for me to stop... three times”.
“What?! Why three ti- ouufff!!”
“Starting now”.
“Slowly. Slowly. Feel the pain kicking in?”
“Mmmnnnhhhggggg, stop”.
“Oh, no way. I won’t even count that one. I know you can take way more than this. But ok, your wish is my command”.
“Ooouuuuuuggghhhh. Oh my balls, Logan, it hurts”.
“That’s the idea, Slim. You have big balls by the way. I can’t barely hold them in my hand”.
“Oowwww, oooww, owwwwwww. Ahh ahhh. Shit! Phhhooow!”
“And now a little pull and more pressure”.
“Ahhhhggggghhhh. Stooop!”
“That’s, one, bub. Two more”.
“Nooo, it hurts. OOWW!!”
“More presssure you say? Coming up!”
“Aaaoooweee!!! Stop please!”
“That’s two. Come on Cyclops, you can take more, you’re a fucking leader”.
“Oooooughhh!!! Motherfucker!!!!”
“Last squeeze. One, two...”
“Ok. I’ll stop after this. I’m going to pull your nuts until they escape my grip, ok?”
“Oooogghhhhh aaauugghhhh!  Eeeaaaaa. AAAAWWWWGGHHH!!!!!!”
“Ok done with that. Rest. Scotty, have I ever told you I get hard by watching you trying to close your legs when you’re tied? Your knees trying to go together? sexy as hell”.
“ooooouuuuhhhh, ooouuhhh, ow, ow, ow”.
“Hurts, buddy? You took it like a champ. That was intense”.
“Aaww, aww. Mmmfff”.
“Alright I’ll stop for now. We’re almost done. Some kicks, some knees, and a surprise. Oh don’t look at me like that. It was her idea”.
“My balls are flat, man”.
“Ok. Here’s the deal. Ten kicks, five from behind and five from the front. I’ll alternate them, one of each. Then five knees. And I’ll leave the surprise as dessert”.
“Fuck you”.
“Woah, Mr. Nice Guy cursing like he was a bad guy. This sessions bring out the villain in you, Slim”.
“Let’s just get it over with- MMPPFFF!!”
“Ok. That’s one. Now from behind”.
“It think I know which one hurt more”.
“Let me put your balls in place. We want them both to take the full blow”.
“Oww, ow, ow”.
“There. THREE!”
“OUCH!!  Aaauuggh”.
“Great ass, Scott”.
“Two more of each, come on”.
“Wait, let me recov- AAOOUU!! Shit!!”
“No recover, my friend”.
“Please, just one minu- AAOOOUGHHH!!”
“One more, front and back. You can do it.”
“Ok, breath, last one”.
“Whoops! That was hard, wasn’t it? Oh don’t look at me like that, it was only the last one”.
“No it wasn’t. Fuck, it hurts. It hurts, it hurts”.
“I know. Geez, still five knees to go”.
“Fuck no”.
“Fuck yes. And the first one will be the best. Look, I grab your whole package like this, with both hands. I pull it a little bit, so that the target gets enclosed around my thumbs and fingers. And BAM!”
“See, your balls couldn’t move away”.

“Ok. That’s that. Wasn’t it fun? It’s over Scott”.
“Yes. No. I know”.
“You want some help with that?”
“Get away from me”.
“Someone’s cranky. Did anyone bust your balls?”
“Very funny. Don’t think I won’t forget this. That was extreme, Logan”.
“Boohoo. I remember being on the other side more than once”.
“Not like this and you know it. I don’t know if I’ll be able to fuck”.
“I saw you getting hard at times”.
“At the beginning! And you were rubbing my package with your foot, I couldn’t help it. Now I’m not sure the pain in my balls will let me do anything”.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that”.
“That last shot was really awful, I wish you could’ve spare me from that”.
“Was it really so bad?”
“I was looking forward to that. Seemed like a nice experiment”.
“I though my balls were going to explode”.
“I tell you, it wasn’t my idea. I enjoyed it, yes, but I didn’t come up with it. Although I have to admit, I got hard when she told me about it”.
“What was the point of it? Just have me scream and squirm while bounded like an animal?”
“Well, you know she can see our thoughts, right? Well she kinda knows about our fantasies”.
“That was definitely not one of mine.”
“Are you sure?”
“At least not with me in the receiving end”.
“What if it was me? Or Bobby? Or Remy?”
“I would still at least think about it before giving any of them a speed bag punching session with their nuts tied”.
“Well, it’s all in video. We can count how many times I actually punched you”.
“Why would I want to do that?”
“Don’t know. Revenge?”
“Get out of here. I want to rest”.
“Ok. Do that. She should be here any moment. And then it’s show time again for your boys.”
“We’re supposed to be having fun”.
“We are”.
“I meant the three of us. Me included. My testicles included”.
“You know this is part of it. Oh! Who could be knocking on the door? Hello there. What a Marvel.”
“Hello, gentlemen. Ready for me to join the fun?”.

Man of the North (part 2 of 3)

 (This story starts with "Man of the North (part 1 of 3)") That afternoon I went to see my uncle. I was surrounded right away ; I ...